Thanks for stopping by. Of the many roles I have in my life, being a parent is one of the most important. Like all parents, I made plenty of mistakes raising my two sons. I became a mom at a young age and had no idea how much I didn't know about myself and life. My kids have been my best teachers in life and have challenged me to grow in ways that I am immensely grateful for. Many of the lessons gained through my parenting journey have been difficult and challenging, but growth and change are never without struggle.
My path to becoming a therapist emerged through my parenting journey. Like many of you, I raised one child who was pretty easy, didn't cause many waves and followed the rules most of the time, and one child who challenged every rule, learned (or didn't learn) everything the hard way, and is possibly responsible for every gray hair on my head. In raising my challenging child, I read countless books and sought help along the way but was never given much more than a sticker chart - exactly like the five or six other sticker charts I already had at home. I couldn't seem to find the kind of help I was looking for, the kind to help heal the underlying issues that were causing the problems in my family. These experiences led me to pursue a career as a therapist so that I could give other struggling families more help than a sticker chart.
I am passionate about helping families thrive. This blog will be focused mostly on parenting and child development, but I will also occasionally write about other mental health topics that may be of interest to a broader audience. I hope my blog will be a rich source of inspiration and information for you!
Christi Dean, LMFT
Thanks for stopping by. Of the many roles I have in my life, being a parent is one of the most important. Like all parents, I made plenty of mistakes raising my two sons. I became a mom at a young age and had no idea how much I didn't know about myself and life. My kids have been my best teachers in life and have challenged me to grow in ways that I am immensely grateful for. Many of the lessons gained through my parenting journey have been difficult and challenging, but growth and change are never without struggle.
My path to becoming a therapist emerged through my parenting journey. Like many of you, I raised one child who was pretty easy, didn't cause many waves and followed the rules most of the time, and one child who challenged every rule, learned (or didn't learn) everything the hard way, and is possibly responsible for every gray hair on my head. In raising my challenging child, I read countless books and sought help along the way but was never given much more than a sticker chart - exactly like the five or six other sticker charts I already had at home. I couldn't seem to find the kind of help I was looking for, the kind to help heal the underlying issues that were causing the problems in my family. These experiences led me to pursue a career as a therapist so that I could give other struggling families more help than a sticker chart.
I am passionate about helping families thrive. This blog will be focused mostly on parenting and child development, but I will also occasionally write about other mental health topics that may be of interest to a broader audience. I hope my blog will be a rich source of inspiration and information for you!
Christi Dean, LMFT